Welcome to Jesus Street

A place where you can slip into deep time.

All around us, horns beep. Cars zip. Frantic people rush along.

Constant demands and pressure anchor us to the material plane. Most of us focus on our temporal needs while neglecting to feed the eternal soul. You can change that.

How? By learning to practice the ancient art of going within.

At our core, all people long to unite with God on an intimate level. It’s as simple as closing your eyes and opening your heart to his presence. Focusing on your breath. Finding the bliss of letting go.

You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart.

Jer. 29:13

The doorway to the miraculous is open. Try living in the moment with Christ, try "living on Jesus Street".

Want to learn more?

You can check out the following, based on your interests.

Sales of our books help support the Dove Fund, a small Christian charity in Charleston working to expand the reach of the American Dream.

Charity clients receive gifts of funding and personal assistance to shift them into a stable and sustainable lifestyle.