No longer living in a motel room

Volunteers move a low-income family of six whose mom is in a wheelchair. Dove Fund connected them to an affordable apartment in West Ashley. After two years of bouncing from relatives' couches and seedy rooms to rent, at long last they have a home of their own again.


  1. Rent and electric bill payments saved family of four in Hollywood from eviction following mom's surgery.
  2. Rent and car payment kept single mom of four young children from losing her home and her vehicle in West Ashley.
  3. Deposit payment helped single working mom and her daughter move from a motel into an affordable apartment. Dove also helped pay off their past due Dominion account to enable electrical service in their new home.
  4. Furniture delivery of bedroom sets and furnishings following a home crisis for a disabled family in North Charleston.
  5. Christmas gifts for the family of a blind homeless single mom. Deposit money to enable her to move into a rental of her own in North Charleston with her teenage son.
  6. Ice cream social for 25 moms and kids at James Island County Park.

Our numbers are growing


Since 2022, we have served 105 local people.

Most of our clients are single moms with multiple children. We serve as the hands of Christ, bringing comfort, prayer, practical household goods, and funding to help to families pivot toward stability.